Familles-Gagnon-Thibaudeau and Guy-Sauvageau-Senior doctoral scholarship awarded

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The Research Chair in Nursing Care for Older People and their Families has awarded a $25,000 doctoral scholarship to Isabelle Auclair, a PhD student at the Faculty of Nursing of the Université de Montréal, under the supervision of Anne Bourbonnais, Chairholder.

The Research Chair in Nursing Care for Older People and their Families has awarded a $25,000 doctoral scholarship to Isabelle Auclair, a PhD student at the Faculty of Nursing of the Université de Montréal, under the supervision of Anne Bourbonnais, Chairholder. 

Ms. Auclair’s project aims to develop, implement and assess an intervention that promotes the involvement of relatives in the last days of life of older people who live in long-term care homes.

This scholarship was made possible thank to the generosity of donors who support the mission of the Chair.

Thank you to our donors and congratulations to the winner!