Scholarship and award to present research findings for two students of the Chair

Nouvelles de la Chaire / 

Two students of the Chair each received a scholarship.

During fall 2017, two students of the Chair each received a scholarship.

Ms. Stéphanie Daneau, a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Nursing of the Université de Montréal under the supervision of Anne Bourbonnais, Chairholder, received a $39,000 scholarship from the ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec (MÉES). Her doctoral study is about nursing care to families that must make end-of-life decisions for an older person living with Alzheimer’s disease in a long-term care facility.

Ms. Angélique Paquette, a master’s student also at the Faculty of Nursing of the Université de Montréal under the supervision of the Chairholder, received a $600 scholarship from the Quebec Network for Research on Aging (RQRV) for an oral presentation during the conference of the Canadian Association of Gerontology held in Winnipeg (Manitoba) in October 2017. Her presentation focused on collaboration for the management of chronic pain of older people with cognitive impairment living in long-term care facilities.


Congratulations to both of them!